Friday, April 01, 2011

Ultimate Blog Party 2011: Let's Party & Win!

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

Ever feel like you're all alone in the blogging world and don't know how to get people to come visit your site to find out more about you? Well, if so, the Ultimate Blog Party, hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom, is perfect for you!

If you're stopping by from the party, let me start by saying welcome! My name is Christina, and I'm mom to two girls, ages six and three. I'm a registered nurse and work full time in addition to blogging.

Mommy's Must Haves is my review blog where I feature products I love and host giveaways. You can also find me at my personal blog, A Mommy Story, where I write more about myself, my children, and my daily life.

If you're into fitness or just looking for some motivation to lose a little weight, come visit my fitness blog, Losing My Hind. (Psst - I've got a Slim-Fast giveaway running on that blog right now!)

So, a little more about me? Likes: chocolate, The Big Bang Theory (TV show), knitting, online shopping, and caffeine. Dislikes: not getting enough sleep, baked beans, uncomfortable shoes, and rude drivers.

That's enough about me - thanks for stopping by! If you've not yet joined in on the party, be sure to do so soon at the Ultimate Blog Party page so you can be eligible for all of the fantastic prizes being given away!


Carmen said...

Wow don't know how you do it! Visiting for the UBP I will be adding you blog or should I say blogs :)

A. Drewes said...

Stopping by from the party! Would you like to do a blog roll link exchange? If so, add me to your blog roll & then leave a comment on (any) post on my blog along with your link & i'll add yours in ASAP as well! :)